Evaluations for Children and Adults

Kent Psychological Associates offers a wide range of testing services for both children and adults including developmental, educational, intellectual, neuropsychological, differential diagnosis and personality testing. The nature of the testing is dependent on the questions being asked by the referral source and the types of problems the individual is experiencing.

Determining the Therapy Services You Need

Psychological Testing

Psychological testing involves evaluation of symptoms and personality to help determine the appropriate mental health diagnosis and clarify the best treatment plan.

Neuropsychological Testing

This is a highly specialized area of testing that focuses on brain function. It helps your treatment team understand how the different areas of the brain are working and is usually recommended when there are challenges related to thinking or memory. Changes to an individual’s concentration, memory, problem solving skills, behavior, or language could be due to a variety of reasons, and neuropsychological testing can help understand your specific situation.

A range of cognitive functions are tested to identify patterns of strengths and weaknesses. The results are an important element of a diagnosis and a possible treatment plan. Our clinical neuropsychologists conduct the evaluation and make recommendations to your team of physicians and care providers.

Pre-Surgical Psychological Evaluations

Psychological evaluations are often required prior to certain types of surgery such as back surgery, spinal cord stimulator implant, and gastric bypass surgery. If your doctor has referred you for a psychological evaluation prior to a surgical procedure, the purpose of this evaluation is to help your doctor determine if you are a good candidate for the procedure, and to identify any psychological or emotional issues that might affect the outcome. The psychological evaluation will assist your doctor in developing the most effective treatment plan.

Rest assured, your doctor recognizes that you have a legitimate medical condition and that the physical symptoms you are experiencing are real. Although your physical symptoms are based on a medical diagnosis, there are certain psychological variables that can influence the intensity, frequency, severity, and duration of your medical problem. The psychological evaluation identifies these variables if they are present. Identification and treatment of psychological factors increases the probability of the satisfactory surgical outcome.

The evaluation will consist of a detailed interview and the administration of one or two psychological tests. A written report, including recommendations, will be sent to your doctor upon completion of testing.

For more information about the evaluations we offer, please contact us at (330) 673-5812 or schedule your appointment today.
For more information about the evaluations we offer, please contact us at (330) 673-5812 or schedule your appointment today.